Sacred Cacao Community Ceremony

May 9th, 2023 | 9:30 AM

Sacred Cacao_cropped

Are you looking to deepen your healing and growth in any of the following areas? 

Body  |  Mind  |  Spirit  |  Community  |  Increasing connection to your own Wisdom  |  Connecting to the energy of Creativity  |  Being more in the state of Love  |  Divine Presence

Taking your specific intention and diving deeper into healing and expanding with the support of the Spirit of Cacao. When we are supported by the Spirit of Cacao, our heart opens naturally. Healing infuses our emotional, physical, energetic, and spiritual bodies. A harmonic alignment is formed between ourselves and the Divine allowing for greater wisdom and love.

Heal on the energetic and emotional realms where words do not always touch.  

The Cacao that will be used in ceremony is of the highest quality. Organic Raw 100% Arriba Criollo Paste, Jungle grown in Ecuador. This plant medicine offers a loving and gentle way of connecting our heart energy with our true Selves.

Sacred Cacao Ceremonies have been practiced in Central and South America by the indigenous peoples for a millennia.

These are just a few benefits of this ceremony:

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