Spiral Hive Embodied (S.H.E.) Circle Meeting

Spiral Hive Embodied (S.H.E.) is co-created to be a safe and compassionate space for women of all seasons.

S.H.E. is a circle which celebrates each woman. For her to be seen, heard and to be witnessed compassionately by other women gathered in the circle. In circle, healing and wisdom flows as each woman brings her heart and spirit to our shared sacred space.
No matter your spiritual path, S.H.E. can support you in your continued healing and empowerment.

If you are:

  • Curious to deepen your relational and spiritual connections
  • Desire breakthroughs in your life so you may experience true joy
  • Feel a sense of wonder regarding female spirituality and ways of healing
  • Yearn for a truly Deep Soul Journey
  • Having a desire to restore powerful female relationships for deep transformation
  • Looking to grow in a supportive, non-judgmental environment
  • Open to unlocking the benefits of both receiving and giving
  • Interested in safely exploring the practical and mystical sides of female spirituality

Please join us.

Come and experience the wisdom heart power of a women’s circle. Our hearts are open to welcoming new women to our circle. We ask that you attend the required introductory class which starts at 5 pm just before our main gathering at 6:00 pm. Please bring your journal and writing instrument.

We will share in a communal meal after the close of S.H.E. Please bring something to share.

If you have any questions, please contact Belinda Haverdill at [email protected]

“Women united in spiritual circles will awaken the wisdom in each other’s spirit”
– Shikoba

The Guiding Principles of S.H.E.:

  • To affirm and facilitate each woman’s connection with herself, to other women and to All There Is.

  • To recognize, cultivate and nurture each woman to birth her sacred gifts into world.

  • To create a safe sacred space to support women to explore the depth of their inner and outer worlds.

  • To practice the art of ritual and ceremony as a way of life and healing for individuals, communities and the earth.

  • To provide opportunities for women to “access their personal power and experience themselves as sacred” (Ruth Barrett)

  • To practice the Right Use of Power by intertwining love and strength as demonstrated by our actions and speech towards ourselves and to one another.

“We are the one’s we’ve been waiting for.”
– June Jordan

This is an in-person experience.
Every 4th Friday of the month
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Price: A suggested love donation of $20.00


April 28


06:00 pm - 08:00 pm

Event Category:

Spiral Hive Embodied (S.H.E.)

Click to Register: https://www.meetup.com/spiral-hive-embodied/events/292592317

Spiral Hive Embodied (S.H.E.)

Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.meetup.com/spiral-hive-embodied/

Sanctuary Imports

822 Lamar Ave

Charlotte, NC, US, 28204