Posts by spiralpath
A Good Bad Day
Some of the things I do for self-care: Exercise Meditate Spend time in nature Try to connect with friends Love on my pet kitty, Pookie Complete the Five-Minute Journal daily Ingest wonderful supplements The list goes on and on…. Yet, despite all these wonderful practices, I found myself in an old, familiar place this past…
Read MoreReceiving the Extraordinary
Can you recall a moment in your life where you felt pure joy? Or a time that you felt so loved by something bigger than yourself? For me, there are no words that can thoroughly explain the experience. I am fully present and able to receive these gifts without any hesitation. There is a feeling of…
Read MoreThe Power of Looking Back
Have you ever listened to a podcast or read something online and some small truth just jumps out at you, prompting you to see things in a whole new light? I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love these moments! I tend to revere them with tenderness and awe, knowing this type of opportunity…
Read MoreThe Great Mystery
For many, this time of year is a welcome reprieve from the long “dog days of summer.” As the temperatures begin to drop, along with the leaves of the trees, change is in the air. Pots filled with flowers and the gardens we’ve planted have grown, bloomed, bore fruit, and now begin to wither. At…
Read MoreMy Mother’s Wisdom
As a child, my mother used to tell me and my siblings to go outside and “get the stink blown off you”. It did not matter if it was over 90 degrees and the taper candles on our dining room table were melting. Conversely, it also did not matter if it was so cold that…
Read MoreCompassion in Times of Suffering
The enormity of suffering on our planet right now feels like it is at an all-time high. Having the privilege and opportunity to be a psychotherapist for almost 30 years, I have partnered with those who are suffering on an individual basis. I am deeply touched by their honesty. In my heart, I can relate.…
Read MoreWhy Is It So Hard to Ask for Help?
This past spring, a dear friend invited me to visit her in Sanibel Island, Florida. Such a lovely gift of kindness at a point when so much was going on in my personal life. I struggled with accepting her offer at first. All kinds of thoughts popped into my head. Things like “My visit would…
Read MoreThe Door
Although the Light has been steadily returning since Winter Solstice, the colder mornings have me withdrawing and diving more deeply into my spiritual practices. And even more so as a new year is being born. I know for many during this first month of the year; their spiritual practices include setting intentions, dreaming of possibilities,…
Read MoreGrowing Our Spiritual Journey
Have you ever found yourself plateauing when it comes to your spiritual journey? You are just skipping along, growing and expanding, and then at some point, you realize you are stagnant. I know. I have experienced this while walking my spiritual path over the years – dare I say, for many years. Although I have…
Read MoreDead Bones
Take a moment. Journey with me. There is a fairy tale, maybe you have heard it? It is about an old woman who few rarely see or know. She has been known to travel along the highways, dry riverbeds, and deep mountain paths. On her journey, she collects bones of all types of creatures. She is especially…
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