
Freedom. Image of the silhouette of a woman holding a paddle, standing on a paddleboard on a lake. The sun and a forest of trees can be seen on the horizon in the background.


June 22, 2023

One of the first things I try to do upon rising in the morning is to meditate for five to ten minutes. Since it is so early in the morning, I often use a guided meditation from one of the apps I like to use. No thinking required. This is such a sacred time for…

Transformation. Silhouette of a dragonfly sitting on the tip of a plant in front of a sunset sky.


May 19, 2023

During a walk, not so long ago, I heard a sound I have not heard in a while. It was the sound of leaves in the trees being rustled by the wind. Such a different sound than when the branches are bare during the winter months. It touched my heart with joy to hear this…

A Good Bad Day. Image of a woman covering her face by holding her hand up against a glass window covered in rain drops in front of her.

A Good Bad Day

March 14, 2023

Some of the things I do for self-care:  Exercise Meditate Spend time in nature Try to connect with friends Love on my pet kitty, Pookie Complete the Five-Minute Journal daily Ingest wonderful supplements The list goes on and on…. Yet, despite all these wonderful practices, I found myself in an old, familiar place this past…