
Manifesting Your Desires with Imagination. Image of a sun hidden behind clouds superimposed with the silhouette of a woman's head. In the background is a blurry image of a large body of water.

Manifesting Your Desires with Imagination

January 22, 2020

As we approach the cross-quarter day between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, I am finding signs of life emerging. Daffodils and a few bright yellow blooms of forsythia have caught my attention during my recent travels. A delightful surprise with all the grey clouds and rain we have experienced this winter in the Charlotte area.…

Reflection and Envisioning. Image of a tree next to a lake under a dark blue sky filled with stars and the mood. The reflection of the tree and sky can be seen in the lake. Reflect.

Reflection and Envisioning

December 26, 2019

As the year begins to draw to a close and before we begin anew, we are naturally drawn down memory lane. This act of slowing down to reflect over this past year has the potential for creating a powerful healing moment before stepping into a new year. December of last year, due to the potential…

Deep Peace. Image of a pathway in a snowy landscape with ice-covered, bare trees on either side of it.

Deep Peace

November 19, 2019

Excitement is in the air with the hustle and bustle of this season. There is so much that calls our attention: traveling, events, food, family and gifts, just to name a few. As a result, I often find myself absolutely exhausted by the time Winter Solstice arrives on December 21st because of all the outward…