The Power of Looking Back

The Power of Looking Back. Self-reflection. Image of a woman in a white dress standing with her back facing the camera in an open, sandy area next to a puddle of water. In the background is a horizon line of mountains an a blue sky with some clouds.

Have you ever listened to a podcast or read something online and some small truth just jumps out at you, prompting you to see things in a whole new light? I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love these moments! I tend to revere them with tenderness and awe, knowing this type of opportunity…

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Growing Our Spiritual Journey

Growing Our Spiritual Journey. Image of the silhouette of a woman with her hand raised, standing on a pier on the ocean. The sun is rising on the horizon and the silhouette of multiple birds can also be seen against the colorful sky.

Have you ever found yourself plateauing when it comes to your spiritual journey? You are just skipping along, growing and expanding, and then at some point, you realize you are stagnant. I know. I have experienced this while walking my spiritual path over the years – dare I say, for many years. Although I have…

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