
Freedom. Image of the silhouette of a woman holding a paddle, standing on a paddleboard on a lake. The sun and a forest of trees can be seen on the horizon in the background.

One of the first things I try to do upon rising in the morning is to meditate for five to ten minutes. Since it is so early in the morning, I often use a guided meditation from one of the apps I like to use. No thinking required. This is such a sacred time for…

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The Door

The Door. Image of a woman in a black trench coat and hat, holding a black purse, standing in front of an open door way. A shadowy glitch of herself appears on either side of her.

Although the Light has been steadily returning since Winter Solstice, the colder mornings have me withdrawing and diving more deeply into my spiritual practices. And even more so as a new year is being born. I know for many during this first month of the year; their spiritual practices include setting intentions, dreaming of possibilities,…

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Returning. Image of a pink flower in spring against a green background.

Spring has this incredible ability to awaken all my senses out of their winter slumber; as life emerges in such gentle yet powerful ways. The array of beautiful colors, textures, aromas, and sounds has the ability to birth me back to myself. It is a sense of returning to something brand new, yet so very…

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