Posts Tagged ‘Seasons’
During a walk, not so long ago, I heard a sound I have not heard in a while. It was the sound of leaves in the trees being rustled by the wind. Such a different sound than when the branches are bare during the winter months. It touched my heart with joy to hear this…
Read MoreThe Great Mystery
For many, this time of year is a welcome reprieve from the long “dog days of summer.” As the temperatures begin to drop, along with the leaves of the trees, change is in the air. Pots filled with flowers and the gardens we’ve planted have grown, bloomed, bore fruit, and now begin to wither. At…
Read MoreThe Energy of Fall’s Presence
For several weeks now, I have been hearing the excitement in the voices of people around me regarding the glimpses of fall weather that are arriving. There are hopes of cooler days and nights that coax the brilliant colors from the leaves of the trees. Everyone seems to have more energy prompted by fall’s presence.…
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